Have a great Labor Day! No rehearsal September 5!
FORMAL CONCERT ATTIRE SIZING FORM: Our Formal Concert Attire Committee has created a form to help make the uniform fitting sessions that will happen during rehearsal on 9/12 and 9/19 run more efficiently. Please fill out this online form by 9/7. You’ll need to complete a separate form for each singer in your household. Even if you are unable to measure your singer, please fill out the other information on the form!
FUNDRAISER: We are excited to partner with Warm Hugs for our first optional fundraiser. All singers will receive an order form along with additional information on the 12th at practice. Please know that this is optional. However, 40% profit will go to your singers PFA if you choose to participate. All forms and payments will be due at practice on the Sept. 26th. This is a firm deadline. No late orders, plan to submit on time. Please let us know if you have specific questions once you receive the order form on the 12th.