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GCC Notes October 9, 2023


PICTURE AND UNIFORM UPDATE: We are moving picture day back to its original date of Oct. 16th! We do still have quite a few singers that need to be measured and fitted tomorrow night. The formal uniform committee is very small and due to parent/teacher conferences, we don't have many extra hands tomorrow night. If you are able to help with this task, or have the ability to hem some pants over the next week, will you please let us know? We would greatly appreciate the help.

SNAP! RAISE: A gigantic THANK YOU! to all of you that participated in this fundraiser and made it such a great success! We raised just over $9400! (which doesn't include a handful of folks that gave with cash or check) Please be sure to thank all those that donated and express our gratitude to them! We will be evaluating this method of fundraising and looking at all the feedback we received from several of you at our next board meeting. Thank you again to those who participated and to those who didn't and shared your reasons with us. We appreciate all of you!

PERSONAL FUNDRAISING OPPORTUNITY: We are launching our first optional PFA fundraiser. Let's get ready for fall with Mom's Popcorn! At practice singers will receive information, order forms and an envelope (one per family) to collect orders and money. This fundraiser will run from Oct. 9th-Oct 23rd. All money, forms and envelopes are due back on Monday Oct. 23rd. Delivery of orders will be at the beginning of November and an announcement will go out. Please refer to the attached flier for additional information.

TUITION: The 4th tuition payment was due last week. If you haven't made that payment, please do so as soon as possible or please communicate with us so we know when to expect payment. If you aren't current with payments or have set up a plan with us, your singer will not be able to take part in picture night!

PAYMENTS: Tonia will not be at rehearsal tomorrow night, so payments for tuition or polos will not be accepted in person. You can pay online or wait until next week.


You are invited to a GCC Social Event!

What: Fun at the LINC library and Ornament Making Activity!

When: Monday, October 30th, 5pm-7pm

Who: All singers (including Valley) and their families *All singers and siblings must be supervised by a guardian during this event- GCC will not provide supervision.

Where: LINC library 501 8th Ave, Greeley

Details: This year, in an effort to promote community among singers, we are hoping to hold some fun social events. On October 30th we are not able to have regular rehearsal since District 6 is closed, so come have some fun instead! Each November, GCC decorates a tree in the Festival of Trees in the UCCC lobby, which stays on display through the holiday season. This year, we would like to change up how we decorate the tree and invite each singer to create their own ornament! We have the large Innovation Room reserved at the LINC and would like for the singers to rotate through the room to make their ornament by last name. When you are not making your ornament, you are free to explore all of the fun and incredible exhibits that the LINC has to offer! Please join us in the classroom using the following schedule:

A-M: 5:15-6:00pm

N-Z: 6:00-6:45pm


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Greeley Children's Chorale
Mountains of Music — No Sweeter Sound

P.O. Box 336891 • Greeley, CO 80633

©2023 by Greeley Children's Chorale, all right reserved.

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