TUITION PAYMENT: Peak and Summit's 4th tuition payment is due tonight. $108 for most. You can pay with cash, check, or PA Fin person at rehearsal or online through the portal via our website. Thank you for keeping payments current. In order for your singer to be in the formal group photos in a couple of weeks, tuition must be up to date!
NUTCRACKER FORMS: Peak Performers and Summit Singers wanting to sing for the Nutcracker need to return their form tomorrow night. Absolutely no late forms will be accepted!
KING SOOPERS REWARDS: If you didn't see the email yesterday about these rewards, we need your screenshots APAS. I let the quarter get away from me and KS will taking down earnings for the 3rd quarter. Please send screenshots today if possible!! My apologies for the very short notice!
UNIFORM REQUIREMENTS FOR PICTURES: Black shoes will be needed for our formal pictures. Plain, solid black ballet flats for girls and solid black dress shoes for boys. Please don't wait until the last minute to find shoes. We are hearing it is still challenging to find them. Singers will also need calf-high or knee-high black socks. No ankle socks please. If girls need to wear a cami or bra under their blouse, they need to be skin colored. Valley singers will wear their blue polo shirts and black pants we are providing. We will hand out blue polos to Valley on the 10th.