WOW! What a stellar, out-of-this-world Stars performance yesterday by our amazing singers and the Greeley Central Choir! It was a truly beautiful concert and as always, we are so grateful to our kids and their families for all their hard work and dedication! We need to give a couple of shout-outs to some folks-the silent auction committee, especially Amber Arens and her family and Shelly Gaza for setting up and running a successful event! And to the Greens and the Swishers for getting up early and schlepping the risers from St. Pat's to Our Savior's. We truly wouldn't be a thriving organization without all our family's efforts and involvement. THANK YOU!!! SUMMIT SINGERS-IMPORTANT INFORMATION We are partnering with District 6 to host an elementary school choral music festival on Tuesday, February 21st, at the Union Colony Civic Center from 11:00 am through a concert that begins at 6:00 pm. We are thrilled to have school choirs from many of the elementary schools in town signed up to participate! We would love for every Summit Singer to participate to make this as successful as possible! So, what does this mean for you and your singer? 1. You will need to excuse your singer from school to attend the workshop during the day. 2. You will need to provide transportation for your singer to UCCC and they should arrive no later than 10:45. 3. Your singer needs to wear their blue polo shirt and jeans. They will wear this for the concert as well. 4. Your singer will need to bring a lunch. A pizza dinner will be provided before the concert. 5. Come at 6:00 pm to hear an amazing concert where some of the choirs and our Summit Singers will perform individually and then all the choirs will perform together! 6. NEW INFO: Summit Singers who WILL NOT be going with their school choir to the festival and did not get your two tickets during intermission at yesterday's concert, to this sold-out event, will need to get them at rehearsal tomorrow. We are asking for you to please let us know if your Summit Singer will be participating. You can just respond to this email to let us know. Parents, we could also use some help on this day, if any of you are available. We need help supervising lunch time between 11:30-12:00 and help serving pizza at 5:00 and supervising dinnertime. We could also use some extra hands throughout the day. If anyone can offer an hour or two, please let us know. PEAK TOUR: If you are using your pfa for the next payment to Gateway, you must fill out a pfa form by next Monday, the 13th. I (Tonia) will not be at rehearsal tomorrow night so if you want to use your pfa funds, please send me an email and I will fill one out for you. You can also fill one out at rehearsal on the 13th. GCC SWAG: We have reopened our GCC Swag Shop with GoJo's! The online store will remain open until February 15th, and we will receive all the products by March 1st. This is completely optional but a fun way for kids to show off their involvement with GCC! LINK FOR THE GCC SWAG SHOP
GCC Notes February 6, 2023